“We who are alive are constantly being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, that his life might be revealed in our mortal bodies” (II Corinthians 4:11).
I have realized that change is challenging for me. Perhaps it comes from the fact that I moved around frequently as a child and felt insecure in having to attend new schools and build new relationships. For whatever reason, I dislike change.
Each of us has changes in our lives that have been difficult to overcome. Some of my most challenging physical changes have been chronic health and pain issues and their resulting losses. An empty nest proved to be extremely difficult emotionally. I read something a few years ago that made an impression upon me. I do not recall who wrote it, but it said, “Life involves change. Change involves loss. Loss involves death. Every time we are delivered over to a death of any kind, we are challenged to allow the loss to bring gain for Jesus’ sake. We do this by allowing his life to be revealed in our mortal bodies.”
Changes in our health do bring loss and what could even be called dying to parts of ourselves - loss of abilities, activities, relationships, experiences, hopes, and plans. There is pain and grief in that loss. Yet the above verse speaks of the good that can come out of those changes. Somehow every “death” that we experience on any given day can bring glory to God. Perhaps it is by praising Him and trusting Him to get us through, rather than by listening to the voice of the enemy and giving in to fear and discouragement. Perhaps it is by sharing our experiences with someone else as a word of encouragement or empathy. Whatever the circumstances, in life or death, our ultimate reason for existence is to glorify God. If it takes change in our lives to do that, let it be so.
Prayer: O God, how thankful I am that in the ebb and flow of my life’s days, You remain the same. Remind me that regardless of changes taking place around me and within me, You give me strength to walk in newness of life with You. Amen.
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