Monday, November 9, 2009

Fear Not

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”
(II Timothy 1:7 KJV).

I have struggled with fear for most of my life. As a child, I feared pain and the unknown. As an adult, I have been fearful about finances, my children’s lives, and the health of loved ones. Now I fear my future – how severe and debilitating my health problems will become and how I will keep up with the daily tasks of life. I have had to face this weakness for what it is - a real sin in my life and a way the enemy has of attacking me and my trust and faith in God.

God’s Word says He has given me power, love, and a sound mind. I have the same power that raised Christ from the dead – resurrection power - flowing through me at every moment, capable of helping me face any circumstances.

The love I possess encompasses God’s love for me as well as my love for Him. Scripture says if God loved me so much that He sent his Son, He will surely give me everything else I need (Romans 8:32). His Word also says that if I love God, I will obey His commandments (I John 5:3), which include totally trusting Him and His decisions regarding my life.

The last part of this verse is most significant to me. I particularly like this translation of “a sound mind”. When I am in the throes of panic, fear, and worry, my mind is not sound. I am believing every lie Satan throws at me. I am thinking about vain imaginings – things that may or may not happen. I am taking on the problems of others and making them my own when they may not be what God has intended for my life.

God has specific plans for each of us. He knows exactly what is best and will bring those things to pass in His own way and time. To doubt that is to deny His sovereignty and His love. When fears assail us, we can claim these mighty gifts of love, power, and a sound mind as our own.  We are new creatures in Christ, and we can have a new way of thinking as well.

Prayer: Lord, help me to remember You have given me the ability to demolish the stronghold of fear in my life. Give me that victory today and every day, as I take every thought captive to make it obedient to You (II Corinthians 10:5). Amen.

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