Thursday, April 3, 2014

Making Music for God in Our Brokenness

“My heart is steadfast, O God:  I will sing and make music with all my soul”
(Psalm 108:1).

I have wanted to take violin lessons for years.  Now my health issues would make it too difficult for me to learn.  

I read an interesting story in Catherine Weber’s book, Flourish.  During a concert in the 1800’s, the violinist Niccolo Paganini broke a string but continued to play perfectly on only three strings and became a star.  He later wrote an entire musical piece for only one string.

Dr. Weber writes, “At some time in our journey, we all feel as if we are playing with fewer strings.  Parts of our lives get broken.  However, each of us can become more determined to play well with the strings we have left, in ways that bring cheers and glory to God rather than dismay from onlookers.  Whatever your instrument or the melody of your song, join the orchestra of the kingdom of God, crying or laughing, sharing the melody of your life music.”

Many times my health problems leave me feeling as though I am playing with very few strings, and even those seem stretched to the breaking point.  But God wants me to play with what I have left.  So I write, email, pray, socialize, play the piano, and live life as I can through the pain.

I may not be able to play an entire musical piece, and it may not be concert materiel.  But if I am willing to do whatever God has given me to do with my limited abilities, it will be a concert of praise to Him and hopefully an encouragement to others.  I look forward to the day in heaven when I will play a real violin with all the strings, but my music then may not be any more beautiful to the Lord than what I play now in my brokenness.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, show me what music I can make for You by serving and glorifying You, despite the weakness and brokenness of my earthly body, and then give me the strength to play it.  Amen.

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