Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Living Within the Limits Which Our Loving God Has Given Us

“I know, O Lord that your laws are righteous, and in faithfulness you have afflicted me” (Psalm 119:75).

One of the hardest aspects of my health problems is the limitations which they bring. With each restriction, I have had to go through a cycle of frustration, grieving, and fighting before coming to acceptance. Although sugar has given me headaches for 20 years, I still struggle with giving it up; it has taken me years to accept that my perfectionistic vacuuming is not worth days of back pain afterwards. I am currently adjusting to limited reading and computer time because of eye problems. There are activities I can no longer do with friends or family. I realize these issues may seem insignificant to those whose problems are much more severe than mine, but they are still difficult for me to face.

In faith, I am gradually learning to accept God’s limits. Even Jesus allowed limitations in His life. He limited Himself to earthly poverty rather than the majesty of heaven. He willingly dwelt with frustrating, sinful, and disappointing humanity rather than heavenly hosts. He did not reveal His power through miracles until appointed times. He limited Himself for the sake of our eternal salvation and freedom.

I believe God is using limits in my life for at least two purposes – to rid me of my controlling nature and to teach me the blessings of sacrifice. Limitations force me to give up the control I desperately cling to at times, as well as giving me the opportunity to sacrifice the desires of my heart to the Lord. The more control I yield and the more I sacrifice, the more I experience true freedom in Christ.

Limits will continue to come, either through ageing, illness, or circumstances. Praise God, I have the assurance of knowing that they are ultimately achieving an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. “It is in limiting that God reveals the limitlessness of His power and grace and purposes” (Elizabeth George, Loving God with All Your Mind).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to willingly accept the limitations you place on my life, knowing that “You are good, and what you do is good” (Psalm 119:68). Amen.

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