Saturday, October 2, 2010

Singing a New Song

“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God”
(Psalm 40:3).

I have always enjoyed music and have been blessed to participate on worship teams at church for a good many years.  We began attending a new church several years ago, and we do not sing most of the songs that I sang in the past.  I miss those old songs greatly, yet I am learning to love the new ones.  Acceptance, however, has taken time.

I can compare my life to these songs.  I loved the “songs” of my past – my work, my children at home, and my physical abilities and activities.  Not every song was a joyous song of praise, but many of my tunes were positive rather than negative.  Now I have to move on to new songs not only in church but in my personal life as well.  Circumstances and health are different. 

There was a time when even my old songs were new to me.  They took time to learn and grow to love.  The same is true for my new songs.  It takes time, patience, faith and trust in God, and even some creativity to learn these new words and melodies.  Adapting to change is challenging, but just as I am learning to love and enjoy singing new musical songs, God is helping me adapt and adjust to new phases of life.  God’s great love and compassion bring at least a few beautiful notes to even the hardest of days.

One day I will sing the old, the current, and the yet unknown songs of praise, together with countless other believers, in my eternal home.  God only writes beautiful music. For now, may I see each new day and new stage of my life as an opportunity to sing new melodies.  It’s time to start learning the new songs He’s written just for me.

Prayer:  O God, give me the strength and the willingness to sing each new song You give to me, returning these songs to You as my gift of praise.  Amen.

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