Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Springs from the Rock

“Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, . . . who turned the rock into a pool, the hard rock into springs of water” (Psalm 114:7,8).

This passage refers to the time in the Old Testament when the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness, waiting to enter the Promised Land. They were complaining about lack of water and God provided water through the rock which Moses struck with his staff.

It is interesting that although the Lord provided what they needed and asked for, He did not necessarily do it the way they might have chosen. Quite possibly they could have preferred being transported immediately into the new land, settled comfortably with all they needed then and there. That was not God’s plan.

We may question God’s provision in our own lives. We would like to be completely free from pain and illness immediately and continually. God may do that for us at some point in this life.  For now however, He may give us freedom from pain temporarily or the endurance to survive the moment. The water He provided for the Israelites was enough to meet their need of thirst. He continued to provide as long as they had that need.

God’s provision for us is enough for today. It will always be enough. He will turn our rocks into pools if we allow Him to do it in the way He thinks best. As we accept the springs He gives us, our thirst will be satisfied.

Prayer: Father, You are my constant provision, meeting my needs as they come. Give me grace to trust You for the springs of living water I need today. Amen.

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