Tuesday, February 19, 2013

As We Pray to See Signs of Jesus through Our Pain, We Ourselves May Be a Sign

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory. . . Since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart” (II Corinthians 3:18-4:1).

On my more difficult days I sometimes yearn for a personal sign from God.  Some days He speaks through a song, a particular Scripture passage, or through beauty in nature.  Other times He shows Himself through the encouragement of believers.

As children of God we are all instruments of His love and presence to others. I have received cards and emails which have lifted me out of a pit of self-pity and despair.  Phone calls have helped me through depression and discouragement.  The writings of God’s people through Rest Ministries have been a huge encouragement in my life.

A friend of mine wrote the following on Facebook:  “Yesterday on my way into work I prayed that I might see Jesus. As the day went along I made a frightened child laugh, gave a drink of water and chair to an elderly lady, calmed an anxious co-worker and enjoyed the fellowship of those around me. On the way home I thanked God for answering my prayer. All day long I saw Jesus and I saw him in the most unexpected place. I saw him in me.”

I thought about her words and realized that I can be a way Jesus makes Himself visible, not only to others but to myself.  I may not be able to physically bless others the way this friend did, but realizing that God can show Himself through me even in my more limited abilities gives new hope and meaning to my life.  God is confirming that even in in my weaknesses His Spirit is still living and working within me. 

We are all reflections of His glory, so when we look at ourselves in the mirror let’s see a reflection of who and what we truly are in God’s eyes, and not lose heart.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, as I long for You to show Yourself to me today, let me not overlook one of Your most wonderful signs – Your holy presence living in me.  Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Karen, I am so blessed to know that God is using the words He gives me to encourage others. Believe me, it is only by Him and through Him that I am able to do this, but it brings me great joy. I pray God's blessing, hope, and perseverance to you.
