(Psalm 87;7b).
“All my springs are in thee" ( KJV).
My husband enjoys winter camping. He doesn’t mind sleeping in freezing temperatures and enjoys hiking in the snow within reason. He also enjoys photography and has taken some great photos of frozen waterfalls in winter.
As I read this verse, I thought about those frozen waterfalls. During temperate weather they flow freely, sometimes with forceful gushes and other times with slower trickles, but still actively moving. When freezing temperatures come they no longer flow consistently, but it is interesting how the water freezes while flowing, as if determined to keep moving for as long as possible. Even in their frozen state they are beautiful. When exposed to the briefest of warmer temperatures, they slowly begin moving again.
I see myself in those waterfalls. At times in my life God has given me the ability to do many things and enjoy a gushingly active life. Now I am frozen many times by pain and illness. That is especially true for me in fall and winter, as my pain intensifies with colder temperatures. But even on days when I’m not flowing too well, God’s springs are still flowing within me. Just as a winter waterfall does not truly dry up while in its frozen state, so even in my limitations God is still working within me and can use me for His glory in some way.
God’s wellspring of life will be within me throughout this entire earthly journey, regardless of what I physically can or cannot do. As I seek His will and direction, He will provide ways for me to show His power and strength, whether I am actively moving, slowly trickling, or completely frozen. And one day, this body will again be able to flow freely for Him in every way.
Prayer: O Lord, Your Word says that whoever believes in You will have streams of living water flow from within him (John 7:38). Even when I am physically “frozen”, let my spirit never cease to be a testimony of praise to You. Amen.
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