Sunday, November 27, 2011

Regardless of Our Weaknesses, We Are Important Instruments in the Body of Christ

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” 
(I Corinthians 12:27).

One seasonal tradition that I enjoy is attending our community orchestra holiday concert. I read an interesting analogy in the book Living above Worry and Stress by the Women of Faith series comparing our Christian lives to an orchestra.

During a concert some instruments are playing and others are at rest, yet all musicians keep their eyes fixed on the conductor. “The church is like that orchestra. At times, we work hard and the music of our lives is glorious. At other times, we are allowed to rest. Others take up the song. Whether you are giving your all right now, or are in a season of attentive rest. . . , you are an important part of a larger group. And the result of our woven lives is beautiful, and it all glorifies God”.

In seasons of pain and limitations it is easy to feel lost and insignificant, particularly during holidays. We may not be able to participate in church functions and ministries or serve our families and friends the way we used to. When I begin entertaining those thoughts, I think of the orchestra. At times in my life I have been more of a violin – in fact my family has been known to call me “high strung”! Now I see myself as more of a triangle. That instrument doesn’t play too often, but it still adds to certain songs.

We are all important to the work of God’s kingdom. We may not play as frequently as in the past and only God may hear our notes, but even our rests can be preparing us for the part we will play in the glorious eternal orchestra of praise to our God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, keep me faithful in using the gifts you have given me to serve You as I am able. And when times come that I can no longer “play”, whether for a song or for a season, let me keep my eyes on You, resting in the truth that I am still a valuable part of the orchestral body of believers.

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