Friday, March 12, 2010

My Divine Comforter

“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. . . you know him for he lives with you and will be in you” (John 14:16,17).

There are times when I have become very burdened by the trials that some of my fellow believers must endure. As I have prayed for God’s Spirit to sustain them, I have been reminded of the Holy Spirit’s work in my own life, and how pain and illness have brought me a new awareness of and relationship with Him.

In difficult times the Holy Spirit brings an appropriate Scripture song or verse to mind. In moments of extreme pain He brings endurance and encouragement. When grieving the losses of abilities or loved ones, He reminds me that my eternal future will be filled with glorious activity and freedom from partings. When I need to make decisions concerning my health or circumstances, the Holy Spirit gives wisdom and insight, either directly, through others, or through His Word. When growth and change come in to my life, He gives me the assurance that God’s grace will be sufficient to handle them. When I am pulled down into the mire of depression, He prompts me to reach out to others rather than dwelling on myself.

I cannot imagine going through life – particularly one of pain and suffering –without the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit. Living on this side of the cross, we have His presence on a continual basis. He is a special gift from the Father and the Son to help us through this earthly life until we see our Lord face to face. I am sure His work will not end then, and it will be exciting to see His ministry throughout eternity. For now however, we can rejoice in knowing that wherever we go and whatever we are experiencing, His presence is with us continually.

Prayer: O Lord, thank you that You have not left me comfortless in this life, but have given me the wonderful indwelling of the Holy Spirit living in and through me. Whatever I face in this life, I know that Your Spirit is with me, holding me fast. Amen.

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